Friday, June 19, 2009

Who knew?: Ronald McDonald, lady's man

Believe it or not, that creepy-looking fellow up there is Ronald McDonald the First, starring in McDonald's first commercial.

He may have been beaten out of the role of the national Ronald McDonald by this dude:

(he blames his chubbiness), but he did get quite a few perks, including this: "Women would offer themselves to me. I actually had groupies who followed me from gig to gig."

For a string of fun "Who Knews" about McDonald's (e.g. Did you know that more than 50,000 students from all over the world have graduated with "Bachelor of Hamburgerology" degrees from "McDonald's Hamburger University"?) check out the following Pop-up Video-style mockumentary of four McDonald commercials. The last commercial is particularly awesome, especially if you're a So You Think You Can Dance fan like I am!

Be sure to watch till the end -- there's a surprise! Let me know what you think.


  1. Haha! And in Japan, you have these guys: mcdonalds/hyde01/japanese_ronald_mcdonalds.jpg

  2. Hmm... what am I supposed to be looking at for the links? I don't see anything McDonald's related for the first one, and a McCafé theatre for the second.

  3. there's only one link there. It's being separated into two lines because it's too long

  4. LOL! kinda creepy!
    I remember when I was a kid there were the characters for the rest of the MacDonald's Crew. My favorite was the yellow bird with pilot goggles!

  5. That's an awesome Video Cathy!

  6. Oh, whoops, my bad.

    Haha I saw that before on YouTube -- it's awesome. Have you seen this clip before:

    or this:

    I actually find them a bit creepy.

  7. Haha, thanks Debbie.

    I think I forgot about them too until you mentioned them. The Hamburglar rules! I don't remember whether they had stories behind them or not.
